Since I'm a photography major, I have to take all these history of photography classes and stuff. Social History of Photography wasn't one I was particularly looking forward to at the beginning of the semester to be honest, but once we started, I found I enjoy it! The part I was really dreading, actually, was the Becoming an Artist assignment/project. Although I was excited to choose a random photographer's name and hopefully get who I wanted, then attempt to recreate one of their images in the same style, I was afraid of miserably failing. I guess I have a different taste than the majority of photographers we study.
Anyway, I picked James Casebere. He mostly builds scale models of architectural structures, then photographs them, and I'll be damned if I could tell it was a model and not the actual building. This guy is amazing. Imagine my intimidation. (Actually, he was on my top-four-photographers-I-hope-I'm-lucky-enough-to-actually-pick list... we had to pick blindly from an envelope!) As intimidated as I was, I was also quite excited. I did a project for a previous class that involved building scale models and scale drawings weekly, so I've had a bit of experience. (I built a runway for the midterm in that class. It included a gold platform runway surrounded by a melded clear plastic moat, that had sand piled up on the sides of it. So, the little paper models actually had real water between them and the sand. It was pretty awesome if ya ask me.)